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Rehab Exercise Videos

Recovery activities

Recovery activities - timeline

Rehab Exercise

Pre Op Exercises for Hip Replacement and Hip Resurfacing (PREHAB)


Lay on your back with knees bent. Brace your abdominals and crunch up as you exhale.

Seated Knee Extension

While in a seated position, hook a towel under your foot and pull your ankle back until a stretch is felt on your calf area.

Keep your knee in a straightened position during the stretch.

Prone Quad Stretch

Place strap/belt around foot. Lay on stomach and hold strap over opposite should as to the leg. Pull strap bending knee until stretch is felt in front of leg.


While lying on your back, place an elastic band around your knees and pull your knees apart. Hold this and then tighten your lower abdominals, squeeze your buttocks and raise your buttocks off the floor/bed.

Supine Calf Stretch

While in a seated position, hook a towel under your foot and pull your ankle back until a stretch is felt on your calf area.

Keep your knee in a straightened position during the stretch.

Hip Abduction

While lying on your side, slowly raise up your top leg to the side. Keep your knee straight and slightly tilt your trunk forward and bring you TOP TOE in line with your BOTTOM HEEL. Keeping your heel rotated upward the entire time lift the top leg.

The bottom leg can be bent to stabilize your body, if needed.

Supine Hamstring Stretch

Lie on your back and place a stretching strap on your foot. Pull on the strap to assist in raising your leg up for a stretch to the back of your leg.

Keep your target leg straight to slightly bent the entire time.

Modified Lateral Plank

Begin in a modified side plank position (keep your SHOULDER, HIP and KNEE n one line ). Push up so that your body is in a straight line as viewed from the front and from above. Raise the top knee but keep the feet together.

Postop hip resurfacing and hip replacement exercises 0-2 weeks

Standing Knee Flexion

Lift one heel up towards your buttocks, as high as you can before returning back to the ground.

Prone Gluteal Squeeze

While lying face down, tighten your abdominals and buttocks.

Seated Knee Extension

Sitting in a chair, lean back slightly and extend one knee. Hold this position and relax.

Ankle pumps

Bend your foot up and down at your ankle joint as shown.

Standing hip flexion (Marching)

Lift one leg until the thigh is as close to parallel to the ground as possible. Return the leg back to the ground. Use a chair for support as needed.

Postop hip resurfacing and hip replacement exercises 2-6 weeks

Bridge with band (shown without band)

While lying on your back, place an elastic band around your knees and pull your knees apart. Hold this and then tighten your lower abdominals, squeeze your buttocks and raise your buttocks off the floor/bed.


Tie a theraband around both knees. Perform a squat (with or without a chair or box behind you for guidance). Sit your hips back while maintaining a stable trunk then stand up and brace the abdominals and gluts then quads. Exhaling as you do so. Hold for 1-2 seconds then repeat.

Prone knee flexing

Lay on stomach, brace your abdominals and bend one knee with your heel towards your bottocks. Bring the leg back down and repeat.

Single Leg Balance

Stand on one leg with the opposite leg lifted as high as you are comfortable. Hold on for support if needed.

Modified Lateral Plank

Begin in a modified side plank position (keep your SHOULDER, HIP and KNEE n one line ). Push up so that your body is in a straight line as viewed from the front and from above. Raise the top knee but keep the feet together.

Anterior Plank

Begin in a modified side plank position (keep your SHOULDER, HIP and KNEE n one line ). Push up so that your body is in a straight line as viewed from the front and from above. Raise the top knee but keep the feet together.

Dead bug and Dead bug with movement

Start: Lay on your back as pictured, perform a pelvic tilt by flattening your back onto the floor while bracing your core.

Movement: Begin by cycling your legs as you move your arms while your maintain your pelvic tilt.

*Note-The second your back begins to arch, you have lost your pelvic tilt and should stop and rest.

Postop hip resurfacing and hip replacement exercises 6 - 12 Weeks

Lateral band walk

With an elastic band around both shins, walk to the side while keeping your feet spread apart. Keep your knees bent and hips hinged the entire time.


Place band around both lower thighs, just above knees. While standing on one leg, with knee and hips slightly bent. Extend and abduct other hip without rotating pelvis.

Two fingers may be placed on a counter for balance if needed. Pelvis should remain forward throughout hold. Back should remain neutral throughout hold. Repeat on opposite leg.

Straight leg dead lift

Starting with good posture and the weight bearing knee slightly flexed, slowly bend at the hip while raising the non- weight bearing leg. Be sure to keep your body even so that your back is in line with your extended leg.


Straight leg dead lift with arm abduction (advanced)

Same as above, with addition of arm motion outwards, at the shoulder (abduction).

Goblet squat

Sit your hips back while maintaining a stable trunk then stand up and brace the abdominals and gluts then quads. Exhaling as you do so. Hold for 1-2 seconds then repeat. Hold a weight at your chest, with both hands.

Alternating bridges

Start lying on back with knees bent so that you heels are directly or almost directly under your knees. Press both arms into the mat and lift your hips to the ceiling. While holding the bridge lift one knee to your chest then lower and alternate to opposite leg. Complete the number of reps specified one each leg before lowering down to starting position.

Split squat

Step back into a split squat position. Then drop your hips straight down and push up through that front heel and the toes of the back foot.

Keep your chest up and core tight to help with balance and proper form. Inhale on the way down exhale on the way up.

Use support if needed for balance.


The American Board of Arthroscopic Surgery


  • American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
  • American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons
  • American Orthopaedic Association